Strategic Priorities

Our Mission: The College of Dental Hygienists of Saskatchewan protects the public through regulation of the dental hygiene profession.  
Our Vision: We are a trusted partner for the public upholding the quality and safety of dental hygiene care provided in Saskatchewan.  
Our Values: The College of Dental Hygienists of Saskatchewan will display respect for the public, registrants, employees, and volunteers. In addition to our duty of care and loyalty, we will acknowledge the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a commitment to learning about Truth & Reconciliation as it pertains to our learnings and work.  

Strategic Priorities:

  1.  Transition from a dual to single-function organization: As the dental hygiene profession continues to grow, there is a need to ensure that all activities for both regulatory and professional associations are effective in Saskatchewan.  
  2. Continued Excellence in Dental Hygiene Regulation: Regulatory practices in Saskatchewan will be continuously reviewed to ensure alignment with Canadian and international best practices and standards.  
  3. Operational Sustainability: Dedication to operate with a robust organizational infrastructure aligned with relevant best practices related to governance, finance, human resources, risk management, and collaborative engagement with strategic partners to support its mission and vision.