Fee Schedule

FEE SCHEDULE- Effective May 1, 2023

(Appendix A- Administrative Bylaws) 

Application Review Fee
  • A non-refundable application fee applies to application for initial and re-application of registration. 
Registration Fee
  • Applies to initial registration only (not applicable for licensure renewal).  
Reinstatement Fee
  • Applies to the application of an individual previously registered with the CDHS who seeks to reinstate/ re-apply. 

Documentation Fee

  • Applies to a request for documentation/ verification of good standing from a previous registrant or may be applied to an out-of-the-ordinary request. 


Late Fee (Renewal)

  • A late fee is applied to any application for licensure renewal submitted between October 20th– October 31st.  


An Annual Licence is valid from November 1st – October 31st of each year, with an automatic expiry at midnight of October 31st

No refunds or part-year licence are permitted.

Pro-ration applies to new graduates only. Application must be made in the same calendar year of graduation (excludes November/December). 

Full Licence
  • Applies to an initial or renewal of a full licence to practice dental hygiene provided to an individual that has met the requirements set out in the Act & Bylaws. 
Conditional Licence
  • Applies to an initial or renewal of a conditional licence to practice dental hygiene provided to an individual that has met the requirements set out in the Act & Bylaws. Requires the completion of an approved education program in administering local anesthesia within two years of the initial licence being granted. A register change to a full licence on the clearing of the local anesthesia requirement can be within the licensing year at no cost. 
Non-Practicing Licence
  • Applies to an individual who intends to maintain registration with the CDHS but is not practicing dental hygiene in the licensing year. A non-practicing licence may be granted for a total of no more than three consecutive licensing years.  

Register Change

(NP to Full)

  • Applies to a register change from non-practicing to full licence within a licensing year. 
Temporary Permit 
  • Applies to an individual who has met the requirements of a restricted registration and is granted a temporary permit to practice. Valid for 2 months. 


Payment can be made by credit card directly to the invoice generated on the registrant portal. Payment by cheque must be made payable to the Saskatchewan Dental Hygienists’ Association. Any NSF charges will be the responsibility of the applicant/registrant. Third-party fees may occur during the Registration & Licensing Process.