Discipline Hearing Schedule

When a complaint of unprofessional conduct is made against a registrant of the Saskatchewan Dental Hygienists’ Association and then duly investigated and reported upon, the Professional Conduct Committee will consider if there is sufficient evidence of unprofessional conduct. If affirmed, the matter may be referred to the Discipline Committee to schedule a hearing before a Hearing Tribunal. 

Hearings are open to the public unless closed by the Hearing Tribunal. Pre-registration to attend a hearing is required. To pre-register contact Shelby Hamm, CEO/Registrar at admin@cdhsk.ca, and please specify the dates of the hearing that you are requesting to observe.

Registrant Date(s)* Status
GS June 23, 2022
9:00 AM (via Zoom)

* The hearings schedule is subject to last minute change. The most current schedule information will be published on this page.

** Status Definitions

To be scheduled: Complaint referred to Hearings Director and a hearing date is pending
Scheduled:  Hearing date is set
Postponed:  Hearing was scheduled (not started) and postponed. A new date will be set
Sanction Phase:  Sanctions to be presented to the Hearing Tribunal
Decision Pending:  Hearing concluded and written decision will be issued by the Hearing Tribunal
Decision Received:  Written decision of the Hearing Tribunal has been received
In Appeal:  Hearing Tribunal’s Decision being appealed to SDHA Appeal Committee